For all the products we sell (Boom Boom ID Sneakers Store):
- The condition is that you must record a video (not accepting photos) from the outer packaging until you hold the shoes. If there is no video we don’t accept complain.
- If the product being sold is proven to be FAKE / NOT ORIGINAL, then we will return the money that has been paid provided that the item has been sent back and received by us first to be checked!
- Product return guarantee for a maximum of 1 day from the date of purchase with a record of the conditions and all details of the item are still the same as when purchased. If the product you want to return has been used, it is different from the details and conditions and more than the time regulations we have specified (1 day). So the product, whether for any reason or complaint, is no longer our responsibility (Boom Boom ID Sneakers Store).
- So it’s better if the buyer can re-check (Legit Check / Check Authenticity) again immediately after buying, if they are still not sure about the product purchased from the Boom Boom ID Sneakers Store.
- We do not serve any complaints / reasons for your error clicking on the product. We will still send items according to the titles and photos of the items you click to buy (do not accept complaints if there is no video recording when opening the package.)
- No Cancelation= Orders that have been entered CANNOT BE CANCELED FOR ANY REASON. So please make sure what goods or products you want and need!
– By making a purchase, it means that the customer has understood and accepted these terms and conditions –
Thank you.